let’s paint the sky.
We’ll start with stars
and things that fly!
Then we’ll make
the brightest sun,
we’ll use all shades
’til the pallet’s done
The sunrise there
might need more pink!
And there, the sunset!
Now a night of ink.
Isn’t it perfect?
Each flickering star?
And all of those planets
swirling up and afar?
Can’t you imagine
what else we can paint?
Let’s next do the oceans,
seas, rivers and straits.
I’ll get the blues,
yes, ever-y shade!
Don’t forget white
for the big, crashing waves.
And what about land?
We’ll need that part, too!
Let’s grab more colours,
there’s a lot we can do.
And finally: details.
There’s still a lot left!
Every thin blade of grass,
all the twigs in a nest.
Get all of the seeds
and each feather and fur,
each scale, tail and nail,
Have you got it? You’re sure?
We can always get more
for there’s still more to make
In this beautiful painting,
our world is awake.