Shale relives a past trauma, reminding her of her hunt for the Red Wizard. Meanwhile, a murder investigation takes place in the caravan as the party continues their journey to Waterdeep.
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#shortstories #alexisveenendaal #wingsofchaos #hoardofthedragonqueen #dungeonsanddragons #fiction #fantasy #stories #books #author #audiobook #audiostories
The party reaches Daggerford, and quickly finds conflict within their caravan.
Use of music owned by FesliyanStudios
#shortstories #alexisveenendaal #wingsofchaos #hoardofthedragonqueen #dungeonsanddragons #fiction #fantasy #stories #books #author #audiobook #audiostories
20 years ago, a young runaway finds herself fighting for survival in a lonely forest at the edge of civilization.
Use of music owned by FesliyanStudios
#shortstories #alexisveenendaal #wingsofchaos #hoardofthedragonqueen #dungeonsanddragons #fiction #fantasy #stories #books #author #audiobook #audiostories
Shale battles a great enemy and places her trust in some new friends.
Use of music owned by FesliyanStudios
#shortstories #alexisveenendaal #wingsofchaos #hoardofthedragonqueen #dungeonsanddragons #fiction #fantasy #stories #books #author #audiobook #audiostories
Shale and her new (and very odd) companions wake to warning bells and must fight to protect the residents of Greenest.
Use of music owned by FesliyanStudios
#shortstories #alexisveenendaal #wingsofchaos #hoardofthedragonqueen #dungeonsanddragons #fiction #fantasy #stories #books #author #audiobook #audiostories
A short fictional story about a man and his discovery of a lost land, written and read by Alexis Veenendaal.
Use of music owned by FesliyanStudios
#shortstory #fiction #atlantis
After Roon and his friends rallied together to find the magical conch from Duke Zolto, leader of the fire giants, they are led to the next chapter of their adventure, beginning with a very odd encounter with a goblin they thought they knew.
Use of music owned by FesliyanStudios
#shortstories #alexisveenendaal #thegiantsgamble #stormkingsthunder #dungeonsanddragons #fiction #fantasy #stories #books #author #audiobook #audiostories