Long before King Arthur and his round table, before the Vikings, Normans, and Romans–even before they called this land ‘Wales’, there lived the Faeries and the Festia. The Faeries were jealous creatures–greedy, and powerful. The Festia were companions and servants to the Faeries–human, mortal, and afraid.
Tag: magic
Lights of the Lidth
The beast unfolded itself from the rock, splitting the waterfall and sending massive icicles smashing to the ground. The lights of a thousand spirits twisted around its night-black body in shifting greens and blues. It stretched to its full height and stood like a small mountain, then levelled its great serpentine snout to her, its great wings quivering around its bulk.
Studying Auroras
Devon half jumped out of her snowsuit in her shock. She’d been too trapped in her own thoughts to hear the crunching of boots. She eyed the small figure in a thin winter coat. The boy didn’t even have gloves or a toque on. His cheeks and nose were bright red and probably frostbitten. “It’s freezing out here. Where are your parents?”
First Love
A preview of Chapter 41 from Book 2 of my WIP fantasy book series, ‘Sea of Shadows’.
It’s a standalone chapter in many ways, existing as a flashback for one of my main characters.
A Portal on High Street
A short story about an experimental physicist who spontaneously creates an extradimensional portal while on a date.
The Bane of Klaue Castle
Spooky season is here! A short gothic tale of a young professor visiting a strange castle.
The Bane of Klaue Castle
A white figure moved in his periphery.
He froze. Blinked furiously.
It was just the white curtain, hanging limp and moth-eaten over the window. Blast it. You’re an educated man, Arthur Bainsworth. Stop jumping at imagined ghosts.
A Portal on High Street
Ever since I was eight, I’ve been able to create portals to another dimension. Cool, right?
No, actually. Get your head out of your ass.
Chapter 22b: A Second Spellbook
After a harrowing battle against the Red Wizard Azbarra, and a rogue explosion by Whisper in a crowd of bystanders, Fillip has been arrested by the city guard and the rest are scattered.
Use of music owned by FesliyanStudios
#shortstories #alexisveenendaal #wingsofchaos #hoardofthedragonqueen #dungeonsanddragons #fiction #fantasy #stories #books #author #audiobook #audiostories
Chapter 22a: A Second Spellbook
Shale and Oszaren are captives of the dragon cult and it’s up to the rest of their friends to decide their fate.
Use of music owned by FesliyanStudios
#shortstories #alexisveenendaal #wingsofchaos #hoardofthedragonqueen #dungeonsanddragons #fiction #fantasy #stories #books #author #audiobook #audiostories