I waited patiently as men and women filed past me, shoulders bent and eyes downcast. The smell of urine and sweat, mixed with the damp mustiness of being underground was overwhelming, but my nose was forced to grow accustomed. I pressed myself to the rocky wall and closed my eyes for a moment. My unit passed nearly in silence before I felt a rough hand on my shoulder.
Month: July 2017
The Levels of Dying: Part One
I always thought that dying was a horrible thing until I realized what the alternative entailed.
Human beings imagine the end to be a peaceful resolve. They imagine their loved ones on the other side. Others (the cynics of the world) imagine there is only darkness when they die.
Me? I imagined a sunset, and perhaps a beach somewhere with an endless supply of margaritas.
To my ungrateful surprise, none of these endings were what waited for me. Despite all the reli
Millennials – The Generation of Disappointments and Dreamers
I often hear of the debate between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials, and it’s not actually much of a debate. It’s target practice. Baby Boomers are aiming their unregistered shotguns straight at the troubled, younger generations, and we’re armed with nothing but a smartphone and unlimited data. Half the time we don’t even realize the conflict is there. In this battle-of-the-ages, I have personally done little to raise my finger in defense of the other side. Why? Because I have minor social a